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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Papa's Birthday!!!

Yesterday was Daddy's Birthday!!! MUACK!!! Happy B'day Daddy!!! I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!! Daddy left his hp at home yesterday... So ended up me and Mummy walked over to Daddy's School to pass it to him... It was a SUPER tedious walk!!! To and fro cost us about half an hr! Further more the sky was dark and cloudy! We had to walk very fast as Mummy was very worried about me... hehehe Didnt take any pics during our walk tho as we needed to HURRY! We reached home safely tho ^ _ ^

By the time we were home Mummy and I was so dead beat but poor mama still got to wash my four little dirty paws...

BUT.... When I heard the magic word... FOOD FOOD!!! I immediately rushed out of the room for my breakfast!!! *covers mouth and giggles* Mummy said I snored very loudly after my breakfast. *gives a puzzle look*

Words For Daddy...

Papa even tho sometimes you bully me... I still love you lots you noe... Since you are 1 year older so be good and stop bullying me that much! Play with me lots that will be your resolution for this year B'day!!! Mwahahah *gives Daddy a BIG wet kiss hugging Daddy tight*

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